Purchasing a Honda automobile car is equivalent to referring to oneself as MC, just as we refer to India as our motherland. Working in such a company is also the equivalent of selling your mother.

A combination of the controversial posts...
According to a senior Hyundai Motor India official who requested anonymity, Pakistani dealers of numerous other multinational businesses, including Suzuki, Isuzu, Bosch Pharmaceuticals, FAW Trucks, Honda, Daewoo Express, Toyota, and Domino's Pizza, have also posted anti-Indian remarks on social media.
Hyundai India, the country's second-largest automaker, has received a lot of backlash on social media after a Hyundai Pakistan shop wrote on its Facebook page about 'Solidarity with Kashmir.' On Monday, a big number of social media users in India called for widespread boycotts and cancellations of Hyundai car reservations.

Because of the posts published by the dealership in Pakistan, not only Hyundai but also it's subsidiary Kia has received backlash in India.
The uproar began on Saturday when a Twitter account called @hyundaiPakistanOfficial posted a message about Kashmir. “Let us remember the sacrifices of our Kashmiri brothers and stand in support as they struggle for freedom." On the same day that Pakistan marked Kashmir Solidarity Day as a propaganda effort, the message was made online.
After Hyundai Motor and QSR companies, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Pizza Hut, fast food restaurant Domino's India apologized to Indian customers on Tuesday for the harm caused by the contentious social media post by its franchises in Pakistan.
It's important to note that numerous global corporations have felt the wrath of Indian social media users for supporting the 'Kashmir solidarity day.' They have apologized, though, after receiving anger on social media for messages from Pakistan backing rebels in Kashmir.
Domino's India apologized for an "unsolicited post" posted by its Pakistani branch expressing solidarity with the cause of an independent Kashmir in a social media post.
KFC apologized on Monday midst social media criticism over a contentious post about Kashmir. "We sincerely regret a post that appeared on several KFC social media channels outside of the country," the company said. According to a tweet from KFC India's official account, "We honor and respect India, and remain consistent in our commitment to serving all Indians with pride."

The incident comes after Kia India received a similar backlash on social media.
"Kia has a strict policy of avoiding political and cultural issues. Our commitment to providing market-leading products and services to our loyal customers in India remains unchanged. "We profoundly regret the offense caused by this unauthorized social media action," the automaker said in a social media statement.

In the case of Hyundai, a day after New Delhi summoned the RoK envoy to express "strong displeasure" over the "unacceptable" post, the South Korean foreign minister "regretted the offense" caused to the people and government of India by the social media post on the so-called Kashmir Solidarity Day by the Hyundai Pakistan.
Made in India is being promoted for this reason. These foreign corporations come to India to do business, profit, and then turn around and backstab us. Let us make certain that they receive what they are due. Boycott Hyundai, KFC, KIA, and Pizza Hut with the hashtags #BoycottHyundai, #BoycottKFC, #BoycottKIA, and #BoycottPIZZAHUT.